Thursday, November 22, 2012

Catch-up on Turkey Day

I've been a little absent this week in the blogosphere... but I promise it's been for good.  For the moment, I have the pies made, the cranberry sauce and cranberry salad are in the fridge, the honey butter's ready, and the bird's in the oven, so I have a minute.

It's been a great week.  My mother is officially here, not just for the week, but for pretty much ever.  The move didn't quite go how they thought it would, but she and my sister got here about 2:30 last Sunday morning.  She pulled her RV here from Oklahoma, and you'd be amazed how much there is to re-do and how much like a real move it feels.

Much of Monday was just resting.  The rest of Monday was putting things back together in "Granny's little house" as the kids affectionately dubbed it.  Then Tuesday, after a rather harried morning of an under-the-weather dog, a subsequent trip to the vet,  my dear husband kept the kids and let Mother and I go spend the evening shopping.

Okay, so we got home at 2:00 AM.  You'd be surprised how much fun we can have in an all-night store!  There was a lot of laughing and goofing around, especially after about 10:00.  I mean, how can you not try some Christmas ornaments as earrings?

Yeah, my husband enjoyed getting that text.  You just never know what fun we'll find!  

Yesterday was mostly making pies and stuff.  Then dinner.  And there's the visit from our speech lady, Ms. K.  I'm not sure what you're supposed to do on Thanksgiving eve, but we put the kids to bed after spaghetti and watched a movie.  

In the process of all this spending time playing with the kids and having fun with each other, there is no way I could list everything we're thankful for, but we have so much.  

So today, I must say that I've missed you, and of course, that I'm thankful for this:

That's my daughter pretending to make mashatatoes just like mommy.  Well, just like Nanny, but she doesn't know that.  Then there's this:

Ryan and our sweet J, playing during the Waco Walk for Autism last April.  She's been such a fabulous grace to our family, and we're so proud to see her finishing high school and heading off to school next year.  

Then there's this: 
The most amazing little girl in the world...

The best Richie-roo in the world...

And the best Ryan-man in the world... along with the best in-laws anyone could have!

I'm thankful for silly, for fun, for understanding... for love, for caring, and sticking together... for praying for each other through everything.  

I'm thankful for our Father in heaven who makes it all possible.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

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