We read "The Kissing Hand". I tried not to cry.
I packed his blue Thomas lunch kit just like he wanted it. Apple chunks, cheese, crackers, a drink, a little bowl of oranges.
We prayed for a good, fun, safe day.
I explained to Maelynn in the best way I could that Richie would go, and she would stay.
Despite my best efforts, you see the pink straps of her backpack and her socks and tennis shoes... just like brother. She wasn't ready to let him go, either. But all she said when it was all done was a very quiet and polite statement spoken softly from a heart that misses her buddy. "It's not fair."
Through an armload of homemade nap mat cover and mat, blanket, matching mama-made pillow, and a little bag of the few supplies requested, I managed a couple of shots. We went in the wrong way first, and had to walk around, which was no big deal.
Ah. No big deal. With his older brother, the day would be half blown by that. So many things are so much blessedly easier with these two.
Being my awkward self, I didn't enjoy navigating the other parents to get him settled all that much. But both my kids, thankfully, walked in like they'd been there forever.
He sat down at the table, where the teacher had a little snack and a little project all ready to start. I snapped a couple more pictures, then headed out with my rather confused daughter, still explaining that Richie's four and she's two and maybe she can go next year.
I know he'll have a great day! He has sweet teachers, a small class, and good grief, it's only two days a week, mama.
But he's my baby boy, my little Richie-roo.
My most passionate one. The one in the family most likely to get his feelings hurt. The one who, the very most of all my very different kids, gets attached to people. He throws his whole heart into everything he does, even at this tender age.
This is the first time I've sent a typically-abled child to school. Any school.
I'm praying that he has a fun day. That if he gets scared, he remembers our bible study time last night... that he can't go anywhere without God. That he is God's child, held in grace and love everywhere he goes. That his confidence comes from there over everywhere else.
And I'd be lying if I didn't mention that I'm hoping he'll remember his mama loves him too. That's why I opened his little hand, sitting at his table, and kissed his soft palm, whispering to remember his kissing hand.
As I picked up Maelynn, she snuggled down into my shoulder. I asked if she was okay, and she gave a clear "no" through her binky, which I didn't have the heart to take until we were home. But she'll be alright.
Love my Richie-roo, and I'm so proud of he and his sister today.
Thanks be to God for new beginnings!
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