Sunday, July 22, 2012

TBA Day 2: Providential Reunion

Last night's bedtime story was a bit mommy indulgent.  We spent a little time on Facebook together.

Before you tell me what a great mom I am for exposing my precious baby girl to the social media craze,  I have a good explanation.  But I have to back up a bit.  

In the spring of 1995, after a long three years of a band program circling the drain, our rather large and beloved principal came to me after the yearly awards program.  He gently put his hands on my shoulders and told me something I couldn't believe.  He'd found someone from Texas who he knew positively, absolutely would right the ship.  

He wasn't kidding.  

It was just the band to seemingly most of the rest of the world, but to me, it was the world.  And it was awful.  So when I walked down the hall of that old high school to meet the new band director and his wife in the library, I have to admit I was more than hopeful.  I was desperately excited, ready to do anything to fuel the repair of my first love for my senior year.  

I had no idea who I was meeting.  

I had no idea that the people I met that day would be not only God-given wind in my sails, but help in setting their direction.  

I had no idea that they'd set the course for being the mother I am, the wife I am, and the band director I was.  

I had no idea that these people would remain anchors for me throughout my life.  

I had no idea they were God's hand with skin on.  

They're more than friends... they're chosen family.  He helped me figure out, when I was clueless and had put all my eggs into one faulty basket, a place to study music the next fall.  Every day in college I emailed her; every day she emailed back.  She praised me when I needed praise and corrected me when I needed correction.  

Quite providentially, when I got my first teaching job, it was twenty minutes from their house when they moved back to Texas.  I was at their table more times than I can count.  Both my professional and personal lives were shaped, repaired, celebrated, and lived in and around that house and with those people.  I absolutely adore these people.  They are as close to my heart as anyone, and are truly one of God's greatest gifts to my life. 

They would never tell you they're great.  They wouldn't tell you anything but that they love me and the other kids from my hometown, and what a blessing we were to them.  And that's the biggest thing about them.  Their attitudes, the way they live, does not point back to them.  It points to the only One who holds all the cards.  

They reflect the love and grace of God.  

So last night, I pulled out the laptop and showed my girl, Maelynn Elaine, pictures of the lady we'd have the pleasure of sitting beside at the TBA spouses' luncheon today.  I want her to know Elaine, to know Mr. Marsh (and yes, he will ALWAYS be Mr. Marsh, no matter how old I get), and the way life should be lived.  I want to give my kids a heritage of reflecting the love and grace of God in their lives, and living in the true happiness that comes from trusting in His sovereignty.  

Thanks be to God for those willing to be used in the lives of so many awkward band kids like me over the years.  

I love you two! 

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